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Professor Peggy Cotter received her bachelor's in Microbiology and Psychobiology from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), the earned her PhD in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from UCLA. In 2001 she became an associate professor at the University of California Santa Barbara. In 2009, she was recruited to the deparmtent of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill where she is currently a full professor. Dr. Cotter’s current research entails investigating the role of gene regulation and of regulated factors, in establishment, maintenance and transmission of bacterial respiratory tract infections.


Erin Garcia


erin_garcia at

Erin works on characterizing the  contact-dependent inhibtion (CDI) system in Burkholderia species.

Zachary Nash

Graduate Student

znash at

Zach is studying the processing and function of Bordetella filamentous hemagglutinin, a major virulence protein involved in adhesion.

Angelica Barrero-Tobon


angelica_barrero-tobon at

Angelica works on characterizing inter- and intraspecies interactions mediated by the BcpA protein in Burkholderia species. 

Rebecca Anthouard




Rebecca has recently joined the lab and is exploring several projects involving Bordetella 

pathogenesis and virulence gene regulation. She is particularly interested in using genetic and high-throughput sequencing approaches to study the genetic regulation of virulence genes in the Bvg and PlrS regulons.

Andrew Perault

Graduate Student

perault at

Andy worked on the PlrS regulator in Bordetella during his rotation in the lab, and is now currently working on studying the possible role of CDI in Burkholderia dolosa, an important pathogen in cystic fibrosis patients.

M. Ashley Bone

Graduate Student

bonema02 at

Ashley is interested in virulence gene regulation in Bordetella infections. 

Elizabeth Danka


esdanka at

Elizabeth recently graduated from David Hunstad's lab at Washington University in St. Louis. Elizabeth is a SPIRE scholar, a program with a strong focus on both scientific research and teaching. She recently joined our group and is interested in working with Burkholderia.


Erich Scheller
Sara Marlatt

Erich is currently using his science skills in Boston, but when he was in the lab, he studied FIM and FHA. Bordetella fimbria (FIM) are generally considered to be adhesins despite a lack of supporting experimental evidence for Bordetella pertussis and evidence suggesting fimbria are unnecessary for adherence of Bordetella bronchiseptica to mammalian cell lines. Using B. bronchiseptica and mice, we developed an in vivo adherence assay using bronchoalveolar lavage to recover non-adherent bacteria from the lower respiratory tract one hours post-inoculation. This assay revealed that fimbria and filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) both function as necessary adhesins and that they mediate adherence specifically to respiratory epithelium. Using a mouse model of bacterial persistence, we showed that FIM-deficient B. bronchiseptica induced a more robust inflammatory response than wild-type bacteria, suggesting that fimbria allow B. bronchiseptica to suppress the innate immune response to infection, similar to what we have previously shown for mice inoculated with FHA-deficient bacteria. To determine bacterial localization, we incubated lung sections with serum from a rabbit chronically infected with WT B. bronchiseptica and an anti-rabbit secondary antibody conjugated to alkaline phosphatase. These analyses indicated that fimbria are required for attachment to airway epithelium, as bacteria lacking fimbria localized to the alveoli, while FHA-deficient bacteria localized to airways. Bacteria unable to produce both fimbria and FHA localized to alveoli and also caused increased inflammation and histopathology identical to that caused by FIM-deficient bacteria, demonstrating that lack of fimbria is epistatic to lack of FHA. Co-inoculation experiments provided evidence that wild-type B. bronchisepticasuppresses inflammation locally within the respiratory tract and that both FHA and fimbria are required for defense against host-mediated clearance. Altogether, our data suggest that fimbria-mediated adherence to airway epithelium is a critical first step in Bordetella infection that allows FHA-dependent interactions to mediate tight adherence, suppression of inflammation and resistance to inflammatory cell clearance.

Sarah was a postdoc in the Cotter lab and is now an assistant professor at Azusa Pacific University.


Many Burkholderia-type contact-dependent growth inhibition (CDI) loci have a unique open reading frame, designated bcpO, which is predicted to encode a membrane-associated lipoprotein that localizes to the inner leaflet of the outer membrane. BcpO is conserved among many different Burkholderia CDI systems, but it is not required for CDI in B. thailandensis. My research aims to elucidate the role of BcpO in non-competitive behaviors of B. thailandensis.

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